giving everyday my best shot
Saturday, July 5, 4:18:00 pm


Someone who:
- is bored to bits
- wants to run up a 'down' escalator
- doesn't mind sitting in a shopping trolley and zooming down the aisles in Giant supermarket
- enjoys playing 'air guitar' or 'pretend drums
- has a weird and wonderful sense of humour
- loves doing crazy stupid stunts such as the above
- embarassment is not an option

If you fulfill any conditions above, please contact Zonker Bonkers at WE_DON_CARE_IF_WE"

As you can see, i'm desperate for some fun and antics. i have not monkeyed around for almost half a yr now. i want some random acts of stupidity. just to make sure i am human and to prove that i'm not that mature.

ooh..people check this out if you havn seen it. its this 'human freeze' thing in grand central station. fantastic! check it out at

no how abt doin something crazy lyk that! mayb i'll do one in be cool..